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Meet The Head - Shrewsbury School

Meet The Head - Shrewsbury School

Leo Winkley, Headmaster of Shrewsbury School

What is your school’s ethos?
We believe that school should be ‘serious fun’. Learning and enjoyment go hand in hand: in the classroom, through a vibrant co-curricular programme and in the communal life of the school. A great education opens doors. This means getting the best possible examination results and qualifications.

However, many skills, values and aptitudes do not come with a piece of paper, but they are nonetheless vital for happy and purposeful living. We aim to deliver a great education that nurtures character and lasts a lifetime.


When leaving your school where do your pupils progress to?
Pupils from Shrewsbury go on to top universities around the globe; Salopians (as we call them) this year will head off to 50 or so British universities, including 10 with Oxbridge places, and Durham and Exeter at the top of the list in terms of numbers. Overseas universities are increasingly popular – this year we have youngsters going to Yale and UCLA in the US, Germany and Sydney, Australia, for example.

Most will go on to higher education, but a number are forging different paths, with two pupils going to music conservatoires, one training to be a helicopter pilot and several entering professional sport.

Do you have any specific success stories from alumni students you'd like to share?


Salopians lead such varied and interesting lives that it’s hard to single out individuals. Whether it’s the pupil who arrived as a shy new Sixth Former who moved onto Oxford University and captained the university cricket team, the girl who has had internships with the UN and World Food Programme whilst at university and has just been accepted to the prestigious Sciences Po in Paris for a Masters, or the boy who was so inspired by his mountaineering at school that he climbed Everest, we’re proud of them all and work hard to keep in touch with them.

How does the school help pupils with career and higher education guidance?
We aim to provide ‘best-in-class’ advice and guidance to ensure our pupils are future-ready and have the skills and aptitudes, as well as the qualifications, to open doors and pursue a wide range of ambitions. We have a strong advice and guidance team working with academic colleagues as well as a full-time expert in the unique role of Head of Futures.

As such, we’re heavily invested in preparing Salopians for life beyond the school gates, so that they can enter the world of work with the soft skills and resilience to succeed. Alongside a comprehensive calendar of workshops, seminars and lectures, we work closely with former pupils, who act as mentors to offer advice and guidance. Evidence suggests that most jobs that our pupils will have don’t even exist yet, so it’s important they build the dexterity and flexibility to turn their minds to anything.

What sets you apart from other schools?
Our history and heritage (Charles Darwin studied at Shrewsbury); our setting in 110 acres of parkland by a beautiful river and with easy access to a thriving market town; our unique atmosphere of calm purpose; the excellence in breadth that we offer – from top university and careers destinations, to outstanding arts and a thriving cultural life, a seemingly endless array of sporting and extension activities, and a unique spirit.

We are a seven-day-a-week learning community in which our pupils are encouraged to be happy in their skins, to speak truth to power, and to pursue their goals with drive but also gentleness and consideration for others.


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